Data Anylatics

Data Engineering

Developing algorithDesigning, building, managing infrastructure and processing large-scale data.

Apache Hadoop Apache Spark AWS Redshift. Talend

Data Visualization

Presenting data insights through visual formats like charts and graphs to make them easily understandable.

Tableau Power BI Google Data Studio Matplotlib

Data Mining

Discovering patterns and extracting valuable information from large datasets.

RapidMiner KNIME Apache Mahout Orange

Machine Learning & AI

Applying algorithms to data to enable systems to learn from data patterns and make predictions.

Scikit-learn PyTorch Fairlearn

Computer Vision

Teaching machines to interpret and make decisions based on visual inputs (e.g., images, videos).

OpenCV Detectron2 YOLO Auth0

Speech Recognition

Enabling machines to recognize and transcribe spoken language.

Google Speech-to-Tex Microsoft Azure Speech Kaldi